Problem Identified
A surgeon finishes a procedure, but cannot locate the patient’s family for the post-surgery consultation. Searching for the family frustrates the surgeon and results in delay of the following case. Alternatively, postponing the post-surgical consultation will likely lead to increased family and patient anxiety.
Solution Implemented
To-Follow Turn Times
Operating Efficiency
A one-touch button in the OR was implemented to alert that a procedure is closing and that the surgeon will soon meet with the family. The alert triggers the scheduling of an available consultation room. The room assignment is made transparent to the surgeon, family, and staff through wall-mounted displays, workstations, pagers, and cell phones.
Benefits Documented
The solution implemented has contributed to a 50% reduction in to-follow turn times. Furthermore, clinical staff acknowledges increases in patient focus due to fewer phone calls, pages, and family inquiries. These results have directly improved operating efficiency, surgeon and family satisfaction, and patient safety.